crop health

VIDEO: For a good, healthy harvest, use Zorvec™! | Corteva

Healthy potatoes and Corteva Agriscience go hand in hand: if you want to produce a good potato crop, you need Corteva Agriscience's class-leading fungicide, Zorvec® Encantia®. Zorve...

16 Jul 2024 · < 1 min read

Regenerative agriculture: Syngenta leads the way

At Syngenta, we are dedicated to keeping pace with the ever-changing world of agriculture. Two buzz phrases that have risen to prominence are "Regenerative ag" and "Soil health." But wha...

21 Nov 2023 · 3 min read

ORONDIS Ultra presents a new era of late blight and downy mildew protection

Farmers welcome Syngenta’s announcement of ORONDIS® Ultra fungicide with two active ingredients for unsurpassed late blight and downy mildew control. ORONDIS® Ultra fungicide brings ...

9 Nov 2022 · 4 min read

Bayer shapes the future of agriculture through innovative products

Improving production and profits while minimising expense and effort is every farmer’s goal. Bayer understands this and continuously develops products that will enable a farmer to achi...

30 Aug 2022 · 5 min read

Did you know? Not all soil potassium is available for crops

Unlike nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), the majority of soils in Africa are historically considered to be rich in potassium (K). However, farmers should keep in mind that not all K exist...

13 May 2022 · 3 min read
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