When it comes to storing your grain – put your profit in your own pocket! With RSA Grain Storage Solutions, your silo will pay for itself in no time. 

RSA Grain Storage Solutions wants you to take control in your hands with their silos and grain dams that offer efficient and safe storage.

Just as all technology in the agricultural industry changes and improves, your grain solutions must also meet modern standards. RSA Grain Storage Solutions can help you to achieve that.

Higher yields of grain per hectare and the free-market system based on the timing of trades make it essential for the farmer to store surplus yields. Economically it makes sense, provided it can be done cost-effectively.

Save costs and set up your own grain storage structure today with RSA Grain Storage Solutions.

With today’s modern storage facilities, there are options for small- and large-scale farmers. Here are some advantages of storing your own grain:

Added value

With your own silos and grain dams you can ensure that you store clean, unspoiled, and insect-free grain. You have control over the quality of grain you offer to the consumer. Premium payments for clean grain mean more profit.

Saving costs

Today’s corporate storage facilities are loaded with additional costs and tariffs, from handling and cleaning costs to sieve loss costs. This all adds up to additional expenses. By storing your own grain, you can avoid these costs, and the by-product of the cleaning process remains yours. This by-product is the ideal additive for feeds.

RSA Grain Storage Solutions has a solution for every farmer to fit his unique needs.

Improved logistics

At your own storage facility, you decide when trucks and trailers should come and go, you are in control of the logistics. This eliminates the long waiting times when trucks wait for their turn to unload. With less waiting time and less transport costs, you can put a few extra cents in your pocket. You determine the location of the facilities so that they are easily accessible from your land and possibly for your neighbours.

Quality control

Today more than ever, the quality of the grain the farmer delivers or uses himself is of crucial importance. With your own storage system, you can be sure that the quality of grain you put in will be the same as what you take out. Some communal silos will mix grain of different grades to obtain the best classification of grain. At your own location, you determine the quality of the product that is stored and delivered.

Moisture and temperature management

Over the past few years, moisture and temperature management in the grain storage industry has evolved a lot. Earlier, it was not always possible to accurately determine the exact conditions in your silos or grain dams. Today, RSA Grain Storage Solutions offers monitoring equipment that returns sufficient, accurate data from the silo, to ensure the best conditions are maintained efficiently. Sensors inside the silos or grain dams measure the moisture and temperature, and the data is sent directly to the farmer. This ensures that you avoid that unpleasant surprise of germination when grain is not stored correctly.

Open market advantage

Your own grain storage means you have control over the delivery points and outlets. Farmers are no longer forced to use one central point’s offer for purchase, or agents for marketing. There are several platforms and companies that specialise in the marketing of grain. The farmer can determine when he wants to sell the grain and get the optimal benefit from different market prices.

RSA Grain Storage Solutions can assist you with the construction of grain silos and grain dams.

Long term storage

Grain storage is not only intended for the grain farmer, but also for livestock farmers. Farmers can now purchase grain at the lowest price and store it for use throughout the season. This helps to keep feed costs as low as possible. According to RSA Grain Storage Solutions some of the largest storage facilities on private property are used for the storage of feed for cattle, sheep, and poultry.

Risk management Risk management is usually the last consideration when farmers think about self-storing grain. By having your own facility, you can significantly reduce the risk. The correct processes and control over your facilities can largely eliminate risks. The grain in your silos and grain dams is fully under your control. There can be no uncertainty as to whether your grain is still in the silo or may have been delivered without your knowledge.

With so many indisputable facts, one cannot help but understand the impact that your own storage facilities have on your farming operation.

The most important thing is to ensure that the facilities you set up are suitable for your needs. Farms vary and the solution that works for your neighbour is not necessarily the best solution for you.

RSA Grain Storage Solutions specialises in custom solutions that are designed and developed for your needs.

It always makes sense to add an asset to your farm from which generations will derive value.

Visit RSA Grain Storage Solutions’ website at www.rsagrainstoragesolutions.co.za for more information.