Exceptional quality at very good prices, is the feedback that the presenters, Sebadja Bonsmara and Boschoek Bonsmara, received from bidders.

The average and highest prices of the day


40 Bonsmara bulls were sold for an average of R 131 125. The highest price reached for a bull was R660 000. The bull, lot 8 (SBJ 20-14) was from Sebadja Bonsmaras and sold to Bhamjee Bonsmaras.

Female animals

  • Cows and calves: R 81 666 (3 sold)
  • Pregnant cows: R 101 666 (3 sold)
  • Pregnant heifers: R 89 791 (12 sold)

215 Commercial female animals also performed very well.

If you want to market your auction contact:

Lynette van Tonder – 074 694 4422 – lynette@agri4all.com
Tiny Smith – 082 698 3353 – tiny@agri4all.com