When Bok van Blerk gives his stamp of approval, most South Africans stand firmly behind it. Gallagher stands out head and shoulders above all their competitors with their excellent products and Bok as their ambassador!

Benard Willemse, Territory Manager at Gallagher, explains why their products are the best on the market. “Gallagher takes care of farms.” According to him, there is something for everyone that can help.

Benard Willemse stands ready for customers to stream in.

Some of the products Gallagher offers to farmers include electric fences for large game farms to protect their game units, rotational grazing systems for sheep and cattle, and water monitoring.

But the products Gallagher is best known for are their scales. “These scales provide you with accurate information about your animals every time, helping you make the right decisions,” says Benard.

Bok van Blerk stands proudly with his Gallagher product in hand.

Regarding the water monitoring systems, Benard mentions the following: “These are very nifty systems that always tell you where your dam levels are and then automatically activate the pumps to keep your dams full.” This way, you can be worry-free knowing your dam levels are always optimal.

Bok van Blerk, the well-known South African singer, was a magnet at the Gallagher exhibition at NAMPO 2024.

Bok himself believes in the quality of Gallagher. “I think Gallagher has a top-class, high-quality product. I love being associated with them and I am proud of it.”

He also believes that the end is not yet in sight for them. “I have been an ambassador for Gallagher for a year now, and we are on a great journey together. I look forward to what’s to come.”

Benard Willemse demonstrates how the Gallagher products work.

Contact information

To get in touch with Gallagher, visit www.gallaghersa.com. There you can learn more about the products and obtain pricing information.