Soil tillage on Rustgevonden will never be the same again since Agrico implements made their appearance on the farm.
Thys Delport is a Free State farmer in the Ventersburg district on the farm Rustgevonden, who has been farming in this area since 1968. He is a true ambassador for Agrico products, as Agrico has and is still playing, a major role in the success of his farming operations.
Thys has seven Agrico centre pivots of which the oldest one is still in full operation after 37 years. He also owns a HSD630 high speed disc harrow and a brand new T1000 ripper. Thys farms with maize, sugar beans and wheat.
Agrico HSD 630 disc harrow
The Agrico disc harrow on Rustgevonden is 4 metres wide and works to a depth of 160 mm. The working depth is easily adjusted with a pin-in-hole mechanism on the roller.
The harrow works best at high speeds. Why? Because that is what it was designed for.
Thys explains: “The HSD effectively works 35 ha per day at between 12 and 13 km per hour with a 120-kW tractor. The implement does the work that it is supposed to do, comfortably and accurately. The root development of the plants bears testimony of its efficiency. This is thanks to the optimised disc configuration that Agrico achieved perfectly.”
Thys highlights some of the advantages of the HSD on his farm:
• Improved fuel consumption
• Time and cost effectiveness
• Accurate working
• Value for money
“You can clearly see that the HSD has been designed and developed locally,” Thys declares. “Agrico uses advanced materials and the best workmanship. The implement is robust and simple to set up and use.”

Thys Delport is fully satisfied with his brand new T1000 Agrico ripper.
“My relationship with Agrico started fifty years ago when we had a need for irrigation on the farm. More recently, I added Agrico implements to my farming operation and would recommend any farmer to do so.”
T1000 ripper
One of the biggest advantages of the T1000 ripper is the effective working of the implement. Its geometric design ensures good stubble flow and reduced clogging, as no material clings to the tines or becomes caught between the tines and the beam, making it unnecessary to stop to remove the build-up.
Ripper tillage makes it easier for rainwater to penetrate the soil, simultaneously combatting soil erosion.
“Rainwater penetrating deeper into the soil means that plants are able to survive for longer periods between rain showers,” Thys says.
Working soil with the T1000 also promotes lateral root growth of crops, enabling the plants to better absorb moisture and nutrients.
“The ideal working depth of this Agrico T1000 ripper is between 400 mm and 630 mm, depending on conditions and the method of tilling. Thys rips to a depth of 450 mm to break up the compacted plough layer. One of the advantages of the Agrico T1000 is the excellent flow of material between the tines, which prevents clogging,” explains Christo Hepburn, Branch Manager of Agrico Bethlehem.
The T1000 is available in models from 1 to 17 tines, and in frames up to 8,5 metres wide. “Agrico’s ripper stands out above its competitors, because of the customised framework according to my specific needs, and tines manufactured from high strength materials to last longer,” says Thys.
Thys appreciates that he can personally work with Agrico’s experts. “What stands out the most of Agrico for me, is the availability, durability and quality of products, the after-sales service and most of all, Agrico’s integrity,” Thys concludes.
Christo Hepburn is his Agrico go-to person, and he is just as excited as Thys about the performance of his Agrico implements.

Thys Delport, farmer, with the Agrico team of Bethlehem: Johan Joubert and Christo Hepburn.
To find out how you can benefit from Agrico’s winning equipment, contact Agrico at +27 (0)83-455-5423 or +27 (0)21-950-4111. You can also send an e-mail to, or visit their website on