The leader in irrigation! Irrigate effectively with Irrigation Unlimited’s travelling irrigators

The farmer always comes first; after all, he is the key player in the agricultural industry. This principle forms the foundation upon which Irrigation Unlimited is built. As a leading...

15 Jul 2024 · 3 min read

Every drop counts with Irrigation Unlimited’s Ocmis and Rotrix sprayers

Water is life. The farmer needs water to grow his crops and the correct quantity at the right time and place is just as important for a good yield. Irrigation Unlimited was once again...

6 Jun 2024 · 4 min read

Forget about theft and power outages! Irrigation Unlimited has an irrigation solution for you

Imagine this: After you have worked hard ploughing and planting - grains, fruits, or even cover crops - you rely on another investment, your irrigation system, to ensure good emergence a...

7 May 2024 · 3 min read

Irrigation Unlimited pushes boundaries on ultra-high pressure grazing systems

Travelling irrigators do not suit every farmer's farm, but the Ocmis irrigation system has allowed Alex Wray of AJ Boerdery's farm to reach new heights. Thanks to Irrigation Unlimited wh...

2 Feb 2024 · 8 min read

Irrigate without effort: Irrigation Unlimited’s Ocmis self-propelled irrigators is the answer

Farmers across the country speak with great enthusiasm of Irrigation Unlimited's products, service and expertise, which helps the farmer derive every drop of value from water. Allan Reti...

16 Oct 2023 · 5 min read

Irrigation success with Irrigation Unlimited for more than a decade

Irrigation Unlimited is the proud distributor of Ocmis irrigation systems, the travelling or self-propelled irrigator that solves irrigation and electricity challenges. This is exactly w...

13 Jan 2023 · < 1 min read

Irrigation Unlimited: Choose an irrigation system to fit your farm

The most important party in the farming industry is the farmer, therefore his interests should always be placed first. This is the conviction of Irrigation Unlimited’s people. Dirk ...

27 Jun 2022 · 4 min read
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