Are you visiting NAMPO Harvest Day 2024? Be sure to visit the Gallagher Animal Management stand to take a look at their many farm management equipment or security solutions that can make your life easier. Whether you need animal weighting equipment, water management tools, or solar powered energisers, you know where to turn to.

Keeping your animals fit and healthy

Load bars and animal scales are an important part of ensuring your herd or flock is performing optimally. It helps the farmer track the weights of animals, indicating growth, feed rations that need to be adapted according to weight, or even if the animal is losing weight due to a possible illness or deficiency.

Gallagher Animal Management has a variety of scales to meet your needs. Among these livestock management equipment, they also have stock prods, auto drafters and EID readers.

Animals are safe and secure with Gallagher’s electric fencing

Whether it is keeping livestock safe, managing strip grazing or keeping your game from wandering off, Gallagher Animal Management has a wide selection of fencing solutions. If you are looking for a specific type of insulator or wire, the Gallagher team has the expertise to help you find the products that meet your needs. But the real star of the electric fencing category is their variety of energisers.

You might ask, isn’t an energiser just an energiser? The answer is no. Your choice of energiser for your electric fence will depend on an array of factors.

These may include:

  • Are you using the fence for security?
  • Must your fence be movable?
  • What animals are you trying to keep in the camp?
  • What is the size (load capacity) of your fence?
  • Does your fence have access to grid power?

Gallagher’s experts can advise you on your choice of equipment, but it is worth noting that they have a special range of energisers that are compatible with grid power, battery power or even solar power! In fact, the latest model, the MBS6500i Multi Powered i Series Energiser will be available for pre-order at NAMPO 2024!

Talk to one of the Gallagher Animal Management team members to find out what this energiser can do for your farm!

Stay on top of water levels

Water tanks and dams are often located in remote places on farms, but regardless of how near or far your water storage is from your home, checking levels manually is a big hassle. Thanks to the liquid monitoring equipment from Gallagher, you can stay on top of your water levels via a satellite connection between the unit on the storage unit and the mobile app.

Not only can you benefit from monitoring water levels, ensuring that your animals always has water and your dams do not run dry, but you can monitor other liquids too. You can monitor fuel tank levels or other liquids. If it can flow, you can know your levels!

Gallagher also has a waterflow indicator that can show you if there are any leakages in pipes.

NAMPO Highlights that are a must see

Stand a chance to win a pair of Gallagher branded Veldskoen Vellies when you visit their stall during NAMPO Harvest day this year. Find them in the NutriFeed hall number 40 and 41.

During the week, Bok van Blerk will also make a special appearance at this stand. Don’t miss out!

Visit their website for more information about their products at