In developing countries such as Zam­bia, poverty levels are increasing, especially among rural households, the majority of whom rely on agriculture as their main source of livelihood.

One of the main contributing factors is climate change which has brought unpredict­able weather patterns making farming planning very difficult. Therefore, there is need to find the best way of tack­ling this challenging global economic threat.

Tiger Animal Feeds, the leading feed manufacturer for all livestock species, is directly affected by climate change that has led farmers to scale down live­stock farming activities due to in­creased cost. This is why Tiger Animal Feeds embarked on training farmers through seminars to improve their knowledge on how to cope with these changes.

Group discussions during training in Chipata; the best method of interaction

Knowledge is a foundation for the competence and successful perfor­mance of a person. In the farming industry it consists of facts, concepts, as well as the understanding and application of information to farming businesses. There is no other route to successful farming than acquiring the correct knowledge which translates into farming skills.

Farmers listen attentively at a training session in Mwanachingwala chiefdom in Mazabuka.


“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.” – Frank Herbert.

Tiger Animal Feeds’ main value is to make sure a farmer’s knowledge is increased. It is acquired through education, training, and experience. By acquiring knowledge, a farmer’s ability to understand various concepts of farming improves.

“We believe in equal growth opportunities for Tiger Animal Feeds and the farmer for continued business. Together we develop the Zambian economy.”

Knowledge of the facts and concepts form the foundation for the ability to apply the skills to perform a specific task. Essentially, a person should gain the basic knowledge of how to do something before attempting the task.

On-site technical assistance.“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” – Herbert Spencer

Tiger Animal Feeds values technical services to farmers as the best way of contributing to the growth of farmers to achieve success. Our ranges of feeds are of the highest quality to meet the farmers’ needs in achieving optimum production.

Remember, skill is a person’s ability to perform an activity or task.

Contact Tiger Animal Feeds as your friendly partner in train­ing and farming business at +260-967-933-658 or +260-975-403-834 or send an e-mail to