Herd management is important for ensuring sustainable grazing systems for cattle, goats, and sheep in the different ecosystems on the African continent. Temple Grandin, a renowned sci...
Hitech Feedlot 50 Concentrate is a finishing protein concentrate for ruminants and can be included in different ratios with grain to produce a semi-complete or complete finishing ration ...
Stray livestock along roads in Namibia remains a problem. According to a recent newsletter of the Namibian Agricultural Union, the situation is worse during drought when livestock are he...
In the intricate world of poultry farming, feed refusal can be a perplexing and frustrating challenge for producers. Despite meticulous care and management, poultry sometimes exhibit a r...
Zambia is currently grappling with a severe drought that threatens to devastate its agricultural sector, particularly the livestock industry. The lack of rain has led to massive crop fai...
As more people take up farming in the Southern African region, experts are concerned about a dearth of skills. Despite the promise of economic viability, agriculture is seeing new entran...
Have you ever bought a tray of eggs or cracked a few eggs and noticed something strange either outside or inside the egg? Commercial egg production, whether on a large scale or small sca...
Temperature plays a vital role in broiler production. The broiler bird will not perform to its full genetic potential if it is not provided with the right temperature whether during broo...
Need food for your sheep, chickens, pigs, horses, or fish? Look no further, Novatek Animal Feed has it all. Novatek supplies scientifically formulated quality feeds for your animals t...
by Barbara Mulonda Simbaya, Technical Advisor at Tiger Animal Feeds Prolapse in layers is a condition that occurs when a hen’s reproductive tract that had temporarily turned inside ...
In issue 77 of ProAgri Zambia, we presented an overview of the signs and lesions of infectious bronchitis Variant 2 (also known as IS/1494/06) in layer hens. This variant was first repor...
Broiler weight is an important parameter when growing broilers. After all, the end goal of raising broilers is to get as many birds to market as possible, using the least amount of feed,...
The success of fish farming, whether conducted in cage or pond systems, hinges on maintaining the well-being and health of the fish population. In this article, we discuss key strategies...
The current rise of average temperatures and the unpredictability of the weather patterns are imposing new challenges to poultry production. The exposure of birds to sudden and/or prolon...
Simple overlooked issues are costly. Brooding is the period immediately after hatch when special care and attention must be given to chicks to ensure their health and survival. In nat...
Heat stress management in monogastric species Heat stress is a critical concern in the management of monogastric species, including poultry, swine, and rabbits. Monogastric animals a...
Heliciculture is a good source of income for farmers as its products are highly beneficial as food and for the pharmaceutical industry. Both industries require the highest quality of sna...
In our previous article, we discussed the main species of coccidia affecting broilers, their effect on productivity and health, as well as the basis of prevention. In this article we wil...
The basis of good egg production is a successful rearing phase, at the end of which the hen must have reached her standard body weight with a well-developed frame and good feed intake. ...
Start creep feeding during the second week to train piglets to eat solid food to avoid a crisis after three weeks, when the piglets demand for more milk is higher than the sow can produc...
Beekeeping has the potential to benefit rural development, but in Africa, it is not always easy. Five presentations with this theme were presented at the Africa Regional Apimondia Sympos...
Dry cow management is crucial to a cow’s performance and health in the next lactation. Metabolic disorders, feed intake after calving, fertility and milk production and composition are...
The silk must be woven into a fabric before the process is complete and the product can be sold. The procedure involves the interlacing of two yarn systems that run perpendicular to one ...
Caring for piglets is no small task. Any pig farmer will tell you that from the moment the sow starts to farrow, the farmer has his hands completely full. Caring for piglets takes a high...
Coccidia are unicellular, microscopic parasites, responsible for the disease called coccidiosis. When the parasite invades the intestinal walls and multiplies inside its cells, it could ...
Heliciculture is not only a feasible option for farmers due to the few participants in the industry and therefore limited competition, but also due to the market options available both r...
Most farmers in Zambia today have a combination of livestock on their farms. They have cattle, goats and sheep. A few even have horses and ponies, as well as game. Now, the question i...
Agricultural production systems are quite diverse and encompass a variety of interesting products and services. Some of these production systems seem unfathomable due to their rarity and...
In industry and trade, the term “raw silk” typically refers to raw mulberry silk. Reeling is a technique for extracting the silk filaments from cocoons to weave them together to crea...
Once a year, usually in late summer, depending on rainfall and forage availability, honey is harvested from the hives. In Part 9 we learned that the hive consists of the brood chamber...
Broiler farming is a very important farming business. For the farmer to be successful and achieve maximum results in the broiler business, certain pieces of equipment are necessary. The...
Dogs are known as man’s best friend and have that title for a reason. They are your loyal companions and are always there when you need them. Caring for your companions is a responsibi...
Zambian Pig Genetics Toppigs Norsvin was established in 2019. They Supply pig genetics from Toppigs Norsvin, a world leader in piggery genetics. Products include TN70, TN 70 tempo, gi...
In the previous eight chapters, we provided a wealth of information on various aspects of beekeeping. But to keep bees, you will need a hive. There are various ways to get one. Beehiv...
Fish farming in Sub-Saharan Africa has been dominated by the cichlids commonly known as tilapias. Of the tilapias, the genus, Oreochromis has been the most cultured species in aquacultur...
Declining day length Hens are sensitive to day length, and particularly to the direction in which day length is changing when it comes to laying eggs. Declining day lengths discou...
Many insects and spiders produce silk, which is essentially a solidified, viscous liquid secreted from specialised glands or orifices. The only significant source of silk for textile use...
Anew beekeeper can buy or catch a swarm of bees. Buying is the easy option, but with a bit of practice, you can capture a swarm that is on the move for free. But be careful, do n...
Layer farming means raising egg-laying birds for the purpose of commercial egg production. Due to their high nutritional value, the demand for eggs has continued to grow worldwide. Eggs ...
New and enhanced genetics is like a fresh breeze for every farmer and we salute the scientists who went through painstakingly precise, experimental processes to ensure that farmers can f...
Every farmer knows what animals eat is the basis of successful livestock production. That is why the serious livestock farmer prefers the feed mixer that gives him the best quality fodde...
Your farm will immediately benefit from our experience, energy, and enthusiasm thanks to the close collaboration approach that we take. This strategy was built on our worldwide research,...
Salmonella is an enterobacterium, which means it can primarily infect the gastrointestinal tract, although in some cases it can distribute from the intestines to other organs. Each bacte...
The term “stress” is commonly used to describe the detrimental effects of a variety of situations on the health and performance of broilers. It is also defined as a set of responses ...
In a previous chapter, we had a brief look at the need for suitable forage for bees and the value of placing your hives near such a source. In this chapter, we look at what bees feed ...
A broiler health strategy starts with the broiler breeder, includes broiler management, and is fine-tuned by the judicious use of vaccines. Vaccination is an integral part of any chicken...
Infectious Bronchitis virus (IBV) variant 2 has been detected in Zambia by PCR and genetic sequencing. Although the number of cases is on the rise and the number of flocks sampled is inc...
When a chicken farm sells all the eggs their 1 600 chickens lay per day within 24 hours, it is proof that they are doing something right. Reyno Colyn and Belinda Hattingh farm with chick...
Chickens are relatively easy animals to maintain once they are adults, but mortality rates can be high while the baby chicks are still growing. It, therefore, becomes cardinal that me...
Non-protein nitrogen (NPN) is a term used in animal nutrition to refer collectively to components such as urea, biuret, and ammonia, which are not proteins but can be converted into prot...
Aquaculture is becoming very popular amongst Zambians because it provides people with employment and a cheaper source of protein. The government, through the Ministry of Fisheries and Li...
Biosecurity is a set of preventative measures designed to reduce the risks of infectious disease transmission to and among livestock. Biosecurity is important because the set of preventi...
No business can survive without proper record-keeping. The system need not be complicated, but as a poultry farmer you must note down important information, such as the feed consumptio...
In the previous articles, we discussed beekeeping in general and the value of bees as pollinators. In this article, we have a peek inside an active beehive to see who lives there and wha...
Physical properties of Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV) Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) infects exclusively birds, with different clinical presentations depending on factors such as ...
In Zambia, poultry farming serves as a major source of income and nutrition for more than 1 million farmers and households who keep chickens. Novatek is committed to maintain both qua...
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) is one of the deadliest diseases for poultry throughout the world, and some strains may affect humans, who might die from it. AI, or bird flu,...
Stock feed is the feed manufactured for livestock animals to meet the requirements of a certain species. It can be produced in a mash, crumble, or pelleted form. Livestock is an inves...
Chickens get sick very easily. Disease can kill your whole flock overnight, so it is important to make sure that you do everything you can to keep them healthy. The two most significa...
Owning a horse can be an incredibly rewarding experience. However, certain decisions must be made by a farmer to be prepared for this undertaking. You must make sure that you can give ...
Novatek Animal Feeds is the largest animal feed producer in Zambia and has been in operation since 2008. The company produces a large variety of scientifically formulated feeds and custo...
Gumboro disease, also known as Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD), is a threat to all poultry enterprises. This is a contagious disease affecting young birds. The virus targets the Bursa of...
In developing countries such as Zambia, poverty levels are increasing, especially among rural households, the majority of whom rely on agriculture as their main source of livelihood. ...
Dairy farming demands a hardworking, determined, and patient farmer. The aspiring dairy farmer must know that there is no holiday. A dairy farmer must possess some substantial knowledge ...
Raising healthy and productive calves is crucial for the long-term success of the dairy industry. The target of all good dairies should be to minimize mortality, and providing calves wit...
Dry season feeding and supplementation for grazing animals requires good planning. The plan should take into account of the long-term effect of the dry season on the land, pasture, fin...
Infectious Bronchitis (IB) Variant 2 (also known as IB variant IS/1494/06) was first detected in Zambia in 2017. In an ongoing survey, Phibro has found it in two broiler flocks in the...
If you have followed this article from the previous publication (Part 1), then you would be aware that rabbits are a very economically viable livestock. They have high reproductive rates...
Optimum profitability on a pig farm starts by raising good quality gilts. After that, feeding a high-quality creep feed to the youngsters will ensure a healthy digestive system, and in t...
Raising dairy calves is a challenge for any dairy farmer. Many losses occur through death and poor growth. These losses can be minimised, and health outcomes are improved if the calves a...
Feed-lotting (also called pen fattening) involves the feeding of beef cattle with a high protein, energy balanced diet for a period of 60 to 90 days in confinement to increase live and s...
Rabbits are commonly raised around the world to sell their meat and for gathering fur. Their meat is very tasty. Rabbit fur is of high quality, having extensive application in the textil...
The modern broiler chicken breeds have been selected over several years for fast growth and at present weigh around 2,3 kg at 35 to 42 days of age. The magnitude of growth indicates that...
Zambia holds 104,8 billion m³ of renewable freshwater, or 4,5% of the total SADC region, making Zambia the country with the fifth-largest supply of renewable freshwater. This import...