Namibia’s new Environmental Crimes Court (ECC), which was unveiled by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism (MEFT) in Otjiwarongo on 4 February, will hopefully send a clear...
FMD outbreak in Germany Namibia has banned all imports of cloven-hooved products from Germany after a case of foot and mouth disease was detected in the European country on 10 Januar...
Good and welcome rains countrywide may have led to a spate of incidents of lumpy skin disease (LSD) in some areas of Namibia. Farmers are alerted to the outbreak and urged to inform the ...
Progress has been made with the development of a rabies vaccine for kudu in Namibia. The rich history of Namibia, formerly known as German Southwest, enhances the unique effort to find a...
Namibia’s beef value chain is scrambling to align the industry for the European Union’s Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) that comes into force on 1 January 2025. This regulatio...
Stray livestock along roads in Namibia remains a problem. According to a recent newsletter of the Namibian Agricultural Union, the situation is worse during drought when livestock are he...
Eight cases of lumpy skin disease have been reported at villages in the Okakarara region of Namibia. According to South African dr Faffa Malan, Managing Director of the Ruminant Veterina...
As more people take up farming in the Southern African region, experts are concerned about a dearth of skills. Despite the promise of economic viability, agriculture is seeing new entran...
The Namibian chicken industry is rejoicing following the government’s decision to lift a one-year prohibition on importing chickens from neighbouring South Africa. This decision, which...
An increase in the number of rabies cases among kudu has been reported in Namibia. Yet, rabies is nothing new to Namibia. The first cases of rabid kudus were reported near Windhoek in th...
Cattle auctions have historically been big business in Zimbabwe's low rainfall southwest, where cattle ranching formed a large part of the country's agri-economy. Commercial farmers w...
Animal feed is expensive. Farmers always strive to keep their animals fed with natural grazing and only supplement the nutrients that the herd may lack, instead of always feeding every a...
Winter is properly rearing its head with the first frost that had already occurred in places. The unpredictability of nature always presents challenges and can catch even experienced far...