In optimal weather conditions, plants generate energy and reach their maximum production capacity, thanks to moderate temperatures and a proper water availability.

However, the reality is we rarely live in optimal conditions, and as we have seen in the past months, temperatures in the middle of the day rise and can even reach over 35º. Each crop bears a different maximum temperature, but in general, under these conditions, photosynthesis drastically drops, while plants automatically increase their respiration to resist the heat. When plants do not receive the proper quantity of water, transpiration and thermic control of the plants are dysregulated, and, as a result, plants consume more energy than they produce.

When this occurs, oxidative stress appears, and the plant is damaged, resulting in:

  • Plant imbalances and less vigour
  • Misuse of energy, as the plant consume more energy in respiration than the one produced by photosynthesis
  • Reduced nutrient uptake and translocation
  • Cells aging and senescence, that automatically leads to cell death
  • Loss of flowering capacity
  • The consequences are loss of yield and quality at harvest

Delfan Plus: Tradecorp solutions to heat stress

However, heat stress can be prevented and fought, thanks to Tradecorp Biostimulants: these products enhance crop tolerance to heat stress, increasing photosynthesis even in the worst conditions, thus reducing the oxidative damage and increasing crop yield and quality.

Trial on maize – Left Control with herbicide, Right Post-emergence Herbicide + Delfan Plus 1L/ha

Solutions based on amino acids, such as Delfan Plus, ensure a curative action during or right after the abiotic stress period. These products sustain proteic metabolism and provide a quicker recovery from stress.

Nevertheless, hot weather is not the only obstacle for plant growth and with the first post-emergence herbicide treatments coming your crops will have to deal with two different types of abiotic stress.

While a responsible use of Plant Protection Products (PPP) is very effective in protecting the crop against Biotic Stresses such as pests and diseases, PPP can have an unwanted effect of creating an Abiotic Stress on the crop itself.

Enhance crop tolerance to stress with Delfan Plus!

Unmanaged these Abiotic Stresses reduce the maximum potential yield of the crop by:

  • Temporary decreases in photosynthetic activity
  • Premature cell aging
  • Slowdown in the crop’s metabolism and growth.

Delfan Plus, the perfect synergy for Plant Protection Products

Delfan Plus can be used to resist stress from the current spray cycle as well as to recover the crop after a harsh PPP cycle helping minimise or eliminate the related Abiotic Stresses enhancing plant metabolism and boosting growth. This gives growers the flexibility to pursue their optimum PPP program while simultaneously managing related Abiotic Stress to help their crop reach its maximum potential yield and profitability.

Would you like to learn more?  To get in touch with your local Tradecorp distributor: Plant Health Agri Ltd


Phone: +260 977505031

